Thursday, March 8, 2012

Forces and institutions that influence today's society

In today's society many teenagers are influenced by music they listen to, clothes they see celebrities wearing in magazines, the way teens see rappers in music videos sagging their pants so they then think its acceptable and cool to walk around with their pants down to their knees but really it's completely unacceptable and looks retarded if you ask me. Also the way some teens act out of school is influenced by the shows they see on MTV and bet where the actors are
Partying, getting drunk, etc. so teens then think that looks fun I should try it sometime without thinking about the consequences that can result in those actions. Another thing that influences pop culture, when basketball players, or any other famous sports player wears a brand of Macys, jc penny, or Ralph laren's clothing teens will then want to buy clothing from those places so they can be like that particular sports player and fit in, the samething with shoes and accessories famous people advertise. So those are some ways pop culture in today's society is influenced.

1 comment:

  1. Good blog. I like how you incorporated popular things we watch/go to. But I think you should've mentioned what controls those things we look up to.
