Wednesday, January 25, 2012

How technology is useful in school?

Technology is useful in many ways in school. Technology can be useful for school projects, to look up school concepts that you don't understand very well, to do virtual school for subjects you don't have a chance to take during school hours, technology allows students to present different subjects to their class, allows students to check up on their grades and upcoming assignments their teachers will assign, and lastly, it allows teachers to present concepts to their students, give them quizzes, and show them educated videos related to the topic the are teaching at that moment. Personally, I use technology in school everyday to do assignments on my virtual American History class, to write papers, create power points presentations for projects, to write blogs which I'm doing now for Mrs. Basi's class, and to research concepts which I may need a better understanding on. So that's how technology is useful to myself and others in school.


  1. I agree, technology has effected my school life in so many ways! Its extremely useful, especially for projects and stuff.
