Monday, February 6, 2012

Online classes

I like taking online classes because it gives you a chance to increase your GPA as well as meet your requirements to graduate. There are also some cons to online classes which is finding time to complete the assignments on a daily basis. Like for us step-uppers we have four Aice classes to worry about already and if we play sports or are involved in clubs it's pretty hard to complete the assignments for your regular classes and study their material and complete online assignments in the time the online teacher wants us to. I mean I find time to complete everything as well as focus on basketball, but I just wish my work load was a little less. All I have to say guys is stay positive and don't give up and everything will turn out great in the end with us getting into the Top colleges with our tremendously high GPA's and incredible Sat scores. Then we will be able to get a great paying job and will be able to buy things we always dreamed of buying. So stay Focus step-up crew :)


  1. I agree. We just have to push through it and get the credits we need. It would be better if we got less work.

  2. That is so true, there is an immense demand of responsibility which only individually self- directed kids are able to reflect. I think that i pros outweighs the cons. Great blog Tim.

  3. Woo, go step up! We'll push through! And online classes IS a great chance to increase your GPA and stuff. Nice blog

  4. Yea. I love the GPA boost (though I didn't experience it yet). Nice blog!
